17 March 2025. The Disco: Preview in Glasgow University Magazine by Evie Glen. Read here.
05 February 2025. The Disco – A portrait of Simon Eilbeck opens Glasgow Short Film Festival 19 March 2025. A preview in The Skinny magazine can be read here.
11 January 2025. Hybrids, expired 16mm ORWO film stills, from a batch from Francis McKee highlight on on Axis. Processed by James Holcombe.
29 November 2024. Dear F… dir Hannan Jones, Alex Hetherington 16mm DP screens London Short Film Festival 2025, 24 January, Curzon Cinema Soho, London. Details here.
08 November 2024. Femme Disturbance, dir. Conor Baird, 16mm DP Alex Hetherington screens at Bradford Queer Film Festival, Sunday 24 November 2024. Details here.
11 October 2024. Hannan Jones’s new film (16mm DP Alex Hetherington, North Wales sequences) screens at pass shadow, whisper shade, Satellites Group Show, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh, 18 Oct 2024 — 22 Dec 2024 and outtake frames from a new film at Stills Salon exhibition, Stills Gallery, Edinburgh, 25 Oct 2024 — 30 Nov 2024
05 September 2024. Castorocene (2021) dir. GF Ramsay, DP Alex Hetherington at ‘The Screens of Blue Nothingness’, curated by Martyna Ratnik, Meno Avilys Cinematheque, Vilnius, Lithuania, 10 September 2024
27 August 2024. Femme Disturbance (2023, dir. Conor Baird, DP 16mm sequences AH) will show as part of the ‘Scottish Shorts 2’ programme, Scottish Queer International Film Festival 2024, Thursday 10 October, CCA Cinema
25 July 2024. On Volya (2023), directed by Ayla Dmyterko, DOP Alex Hetherington screens with Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors (1964) by Sergei Parajanov at UKINO, SODA School of Digital Arts Cinema, Manchester, 7 August 2024. Details here. Screening at Drawing From Calcerous Milk Teeth, aCinema Summer Screening Series curated by Takahiro Suzuki and Janelle VanderKelen, Woodland Pattern, 720 E. Locust Street, Milwaukee, WI, US, July 21st 2024
22 June 2024. Castorocene (2021, d. GF Ramsay, DP Alex Hetherington) screens: Mirage, 26 June 2024, Micro Film Festival, Bermondsey Project Space, London, programmed by Lily Ashrowan.
08 May 2024. Open Project Award for a new film production, a 16mm film and sound portrait. In production May until December 2024, supported by Creative Scotland and CCA.
25 April 2023. Dear F… directed by Hannan Jones screening at ‘The Ground Is Not Unchanging’, programmed by Mina Heydari-Waite, 24 May 2024, Offline, Glasgow, part of Glasgow International 2024, GAMIS Cinema and Rachel McBrinn’s Are You Going My Way? (2023), screens at Today We Live, screening at Market Gallery, Glasgow 1 May 2024 (16mm DP Alex Hetherington)
28 March 2024. Video Poems for the 90s, a 16mm workshop with Ute Aurand, Pier Art Centre, Stromness, Orkney, 29 March 2024. Bursary from Scottish Screen/Urth Productions. Diary camera film now online.
08 March 2024. Dear F… directed by Hannan Jones and Are You Going My Way? directed by Rachel McBrinn screening at Alchemy Film Festival 2024. (DP 16mm Alex Hetherington)
11 February 2024. Femme Disturbance, Conor Baird, 8th – 17th March 2024, Glasgow Project Room. Femme Disturbance is an exhibition of film and drawings that investigate a closeted adolescence, its surrounding family dynamic and the empowering figure of the Action Heroine. (DP 16mm sequences Alex Hetherington)
09 February 2024. Hannan Jones’s Dear F… (2023), Little Pictures, GMAC, is included in Screen Talent Europe’s event, Friday 16th February at Berlinale Film Festival. (DP Alex Hetherington)
10 January 2024. Family Fugue (2022), dir. GF Ramsay, (DPs Alex Hetherington and Luke Fowler) screens at London Short Film Festival, Ancestral Remembrance program, 27 January 2024
08 January 2024. Dear F… (dir. Hannan Jones. DP Alex Hetherington) screens at MENA Film Festival, Vancouver, Canada, January 30 2024, VIFF Centre and online January 27–February 11 2024
15 December 2023. Hybrids frames on Axis highlights selection for December. 16mm film, colour, 2023
10 December 2023. Castorocene (2021) and Family Fugue (2022), dir. GF Ramsay screening at True Stories at PAF Olomuec, Czech Republic, 10 December 2023
22 November 2023. Castorocene (2021) and Family Fugue (2022), dir. GF Ramsay screening at Moving Terrain at Laboratório da Torre, Porto, Portugal, 27 November 2023
08 November 2023. I received an Elephant Trust grant toward the film Hybrids, a film for television (2023–2024)
06 November 2023. On Volya (2023) directed by Ayla Dmyterko screens at London Short Film Festival, Friday 26 January 2024. Over the Hill and Far Away film programme, ICA, London
06 November 2023. Ilam Actual (version), Luke Fowler with Alex Hetherington and Lee Patterson, 6 – 19 November 2023. Arts&Heritage Screening Room (online). Sound, color and black & white, 2023.
11 October 2023. I will be participating in the Bridging the Gap documentary scheme, Scottish Documentary Institute, Edinburgh, development phase, with a new experimental documentary short.
04 October 2023. Dear F (2022-2023), directed by Hannan Jones, DP, Alex Hetherington, screens at Selected 13, programmed by Videoclub. Tour dates: RCA, London, 14 November 2023, Fabrica, Brighton, 26 October 2023, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton, 14 November 2023, CCA, Glasgow, 21 November 2023 and Nottingham Contemporary, 28 November 2023
27 September 2023. Spanish filmmaker Bruno Delgado Ramo currently filming on residency at Hospitalfield and CCA in October added to roster of artists’ films shot using my Canon Scoopic
07 August 2023. David Toop interviews Luke Fowler on Ilam Actual (2023) for This is Tomorrow. Read the interview here.
05 August 2023. On Volya, Filling in the Frescoes (2023), Dir. Ayla Dmyterko screens Thursday 7 September 2023, Warehouse, David Dale Gallery, Glasgow
05 August 2023. Axis highlight Methods/Hybrids (2023 ongoing) four frames from a 16mm/35mm hybrid film production, supported by VACMA
12 July 2023. Announcing Ilam Actual, a new 16mm film with sound by Luke Fowler with Alex Hetherington and Lee Patterson, filmed June 2023 and screening to be announced. An Arts & Heritage project. Detailed information here
07 July 2023. Wendy Kirkup’s Rough Cut Botanical (2022), second camera Alex Hetherington, screens at Edinburgh International Film Festival 2023, BLACK BOX ARTISTS’ SHORT FILMS, Monday 21 August 2023 and Braziers International Film Festival, 1 Sept 2023
10 June 2023. Artist and writer Jessica Higgins’ response to Sister Films co-published by MAP Magazine and CCA Annex, commissioned by CCA
03 June 2023. On Volya dir. Ayla Dmyterko, DP 16mm sequences Alex Hetherington premieres 03 June 2023 Galerie Pangée, Montreal, Canada runs until 17 July 2023
29 May 2023. I have received a grant from The Richard and Siobhan Coward Foundation to develop new hybrid experiments with analog photography
27 May 2023. rough cut botanical (2022), 16mm, directed by Wendy Kirkup; second camera Alex Hetherington included in Ann Arbor Film Festival 61 touring programme. Details here
27 April 2023. Castorocene (2021), screens at Elucidate the wit, sanctify the spirit, clarify the intention, 25 May 2023, CCA, Glasgow, curated by Julija Šilytė & Milda Valiulytė
24 April 2023. Trailers (audio-described and captioned) now available for Annie Crabtree’s new film Withens Within, 16mm, 2022-2023. Supported by Creative Scotland. View the trailers here
21 April 2023. Results of a two-day camera less 16mm film workshop held in January with other film materials, In the Shadow of the Hand/Alex Hetherington screening Deveron Projects, Huntly 6 and 7 May 2023
18 April 2023. Are you going my way? by Rachel McBrinn screening online at MAP magazine, 18 April until 18 May 2023
04 April 2023. Rachel McBrinn’s film Are you going my way? screens at Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh 17 April 2023. I was DP for the 16mm elements shot on location in Livingston, Scotland. The film was funded by a research residency from Rhubaba Gallery, Edinburgh. Event details here. The film will be available for a limited time online in collaboration with MAP magazine
18 March 2023. Sister Films will appear on CCA Annex, 23 March 2023. I have received VACMA 2023 funding to begin to explore film hybrids on 35mm and 16mm, more soon
04 February 2023. I will be DOP and mentor on Ayla Dmyterko’s new 16mm film On Volya, work in progress screening summer 2023, Pangée, Montreal, Canada, funded by Open Project, Creative Scotland
03 February 2023. rough cut botanical, 16mm film by Wendy Kirkup, Alex Hetherington on second camera screens at Ann Arbor Film Festival, Michigan, 24 March 2023 (Films in Competition #7) and at Alchemy Film Festival, April 2023; Dear F, directed by Hannan Jones, DOP Alex Hetherington screens at industry day, 6 March 2023, Glasgow Film Festival; Family Fugue, directed by George Finlay Ramsay, DOPs Alex Hetherington and Luke Fowler screens at Alchemy Film Festival, April 2023 and Glasgow Short Film Festival, 24 March, CCA, Glasgow 2023 (Scottish Competition)
13 December 2022. Sat 21 & Sun 22 Jan 2023, 1:30 – 6pm. By invitation of In the Shadow of the Hand (Sarah Forrest and Virginia Hutchison) I will be running a two-day camera-less workshop and recording the process on 16mm film negative for a new film for their current residency at Deveron Projects in Huntly, more information: here
09 September 2022. Information on Family Fugue (2022) at Generator Projects, Dundee, opening event 7 October 2022, preview piece here. And view the film’s trailer here
08 September 2022. Chimera: image making with 16mm film, two-part workshop as part of Chimera, Nashashibi/Skaer, Cooper Gallery, Dundee, 30 September – 10 December 2022, Part One, Thursday 3 November, 6–8.30pm and Part Two, Thursday 17 November, 6–8pm
23 August 2022. Wendy Kirkup’s recent 16mm film production will screen at Visions in the Nunnery, London, Bow Arts, Program 1, curated by Patrick Goddard, October 7 2022 – November 6, 2022 and forthcoming: Chimera: image making with 16mm film, a 16mm camera workshop, with a follow-up screening and reading event, November 2022, more details soon. Castorocene (2021) screen at Braziers Film Festival, (Radical Instincts programme), Sunday 4 September 2022
17 August 2022. London Post preview of Garden Nights, Camden Art Centre, London, 26 August 2022
1 August 2022. New CCA ANNEX film in production, 16mm film, sound, colour and black & white, working title Women Studies Vol.3/Tell me my father’s diary/the long take, Winter 2022
26 July 2022. We See, Will See, Are Seen, Have Scene, films by Stefan and Franciszka Themerson; Teresa Cisneros, So Mayer, Timothy Smith, Valentino Vecchietti, Campbell X; Rae-Yen Song; George Finlay Ramsay and Alex Hetherington, GAMIS, New Phoenix Cinema, Glasgow, 7 August 2022
22 July 2022. Not the wick, nor the candle, but the burning:, Garden Nights: an evening of film, video and music, Camden Art Centre, London, 26 August 2022
14 July 2022. Jess Higgins reviews Seen and Not Seen for MAP magazine. YOU’VE GOT A NICE VOICE ACTUALLY, SCOTT
5 June 2022. Catherine Street live, Luke Fowler screening 35mm print of Electro-Pythagoras and Stereo Rushes, 16mm Alex Hetherington: Words for Appropriation & Dedication, 24 June 2022, 7pm, CCA, Glasgow, free but ticketed, gallery and cinema
31 May 2002. The National preview on SEEN AND NOT SEEN, written by Sabrina Segler.
18 May 2022. Scott Caruth & Alex Hetherington, SEEN AND NOT SEEN, CCA, Glasgow, 3 June – 16 July 2022
14 April 2022. Family Fugue (2022) information at George Finlay Ramsay’s web site, 16mm film, to be presented at Camden Arts Centre, London and Generator Projects, Dundee, 2022
26 March 2022. CAConrad & George Finlay Ramsay on Castorocene (2021) at FieldNotes Journal No.3
16 March 2022. Savinder Bual, 9 Notes, now available from PEER, London
20 February 2022. News from Glasgow Short Film Festival 2022 (Eco-spectrality: Residual Fabulations, 25 March, Civic House, Glasgow. Curated by Ane Lopez (A+E Collective)), Alchemy Film Festival edition 12, 29 April 2022, and rile*, Brussels, Belgium (1 April 2022) and Tender Books, London (7 April 2022) both for FieldNotes #3
12 January 2022. Castorocene (2021) screens in Stuttgart, 35. FILMWINTER, Internationaler Wettbewerb Kurzfilme 1: Internationaler Wettbewerb Kurzfilme 1
7 January 2022. Castorocene (2021) at London Short Film Festival.
3 December 2021. DOP on interdisciplinary artist Hannan Jones‘s 16mm film commission DEAR F… for GMAC. With thanks to artist Oliver Mezger
2 December 2021. Castorocene (2021) screens at Norient Film Festival, Bern, Switzerland, January 2022
12 November 2021. Foil on Axis, 16mm film still outtake
5 November 2021. Castorocene (2021) screens at Swedenborg Film Festival, London, 11 December 2021
22 October 2021. London Short Film Festival, 14–23 January 2022. Programme So It Goes, NFT1, 18 January 2022
9 October 2021. Going into production through a period of reading, research, filming and reflection with ‘The experience of the unseen listener, Women’s Studies & Idle Work’ a new 16mm film, with new experimental writing, supported by an Open Project Award from Creative Scotland, 2021-2022
7 October 2021. Castorocene (2021) screens at WNDX Film Festival, Winnipeg, Canada, 10 October 2021, OPEN, curated by Hagere Selam “shimby” Zegeye Gebrehiwot
5 October 2021. 9 Notes on moving image artist Savinder Bual, available to order from PEER, London. Essay The Student Of Hallucinations, The Absent Moon And The Law Of The Feather by Alex Hetherington
2 October 2021. Castorocene (2021) screens with Artists’ Moving Image Network, Pavilion, Leeds, 20 October 2021
24 September 2021. Written commissioned response by CAConrad to castorocene (2021), publishing on LUX Scotland’s web site, 5 October 2021. Read the text here. Thanks to LUX Scotland
22 September 2021. Castorocene (2021) screens at the launch of Making Routes: Journeys in Performance 2010-2020 at Royal Scottish Conservatoire, Glasgow 23 September 2021, organized by Laura Bissell and David Overend
14 September 2021. REVERSAL, film screening of a selection of works from 2018-2021 on 16mm reversal film, No.35 Stirling, 22 October 2021
4 September 2021. castorocene (2021) at Walk-in Cinema, Video Art & Experimental Film Event, SEA Foundation, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 23–25 September 2021. Read more here
1 September 2021. Online exhibition of castorocene (2021), opens today and is viewable until the end of the month at LUX Scotland. Captions by Collective Text, Annie Crabtree and George Finlay Ramsay
25 August 2021. Castorocene (2021) in Program 5 at Münster Film Festival 2021, screening 23 September 2021
19 August 2021. Contributing to a September – November Open Project funded 16mm film by Wendy Kirkup with additional contributions from Nichola Scrutton and Anna Souter
30 June 2021. CCA Creative Lab, Glasgow, Monday 2 August — Saturday 14 August 2021, with a new text by Catherine Street, ‘Women’s Studies’, sound recording with Mark Vernon
16 June 2021. LUX Scotland One Artist | One Work, castorocene (2021). 30 September 2021, 7.00pm
7 May 2021. Look out for Sam Williams’ A Soft Landing. Funded by AXIS. I have made contributions including The Lavender of the Film based on Tarot readings in Querelle (1982) and Cléo from 5 to 7 (1961) and 34 film strips from a cameraless film, Edwin, Kissed Cy Twombly, ink on clear leader
21 April 2021. George Finlay Ramsay’s film Castorocene (2021) goes live at Rupert Journal, April edition, Vilnius, Lithuania. To view the film follow the link here
20 April 2021. Talking Counting Blinking Noting: 16mm film as a collaborative action (2019-2021) featured on ‘World Building’ at Axis.
14 April 2021. Provisional dates for the Creative Lab residency at the CCA, Glasgow, 2-15 August 2021.
8 January 2021. Outtakes in lieu of a ghost story (35mm and 16mm film stills) highlighted at Axis:
3 December 2020. I have been commissioned to produce a new piece of writing for a publication for the moving image artist Savinder Bual. Here is a link to her current show at PEER, London. Publishing October 2021.
18 November 2020. I have been invited to present a talk on Dialogue and Conversation as an action in my practice to DJCAD curatorial students, 1 December 2020. Thanks to Sophia Hao and Peter Amoore.
28 September 2020. Sleep powder vibration dust sigh smoke vapor blink stain forgetting asthma pauses hesitation stitch attraction flaws failure fugitive, 2020, colour, 16mm film stills included in a selection of highlights for Axisweb.
1 September 2020. A selection of notes from lockdown for Inverextant, produced by artist Jared Pappas-Kelley, The season begins with a terrible thud…
18 July 2020. I have been commissioned to produce an essay “Why can’t we see the movement of the tides in a glass of water?” to accompany Karen Cunningham’s new moving image work Mean Time for Collective, Edinburgh, 22 October 2020. Read more here.
15 July 2020. Still from collaboration (Talking Counting Blinking Noting, 16mm, 2019-2020) with Rosie Roberts will be used on the cover of her forthcoming book portals. Jacket design by artist Mark Briggs: more details to be found at SPAM zine. I will be screening Untitled (Eclectic Poison), 16mm film, 2020 at its launch event, which features readings from Rosie Roberts, Lotte L.S. and Daisy Lafarge.
21 April 2020. I received a Bridging Bursary (round one) from Creative Scotland and will use part of this award on research on a queer and trans hapticality using 16mm film and sound.
12 March 2020. I have written up a reflection on A space in-between: A is for Avant-Garde, Z is for Zero: Laura Mulvey & Peter Wollen, offsite at Cooper Gallery, DJCAD, Dundee. Published 27 April 2020
21 February 2020. Anxiety & Invocation at Experiments in Cinema, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States, 14-18 April 2020: Recent films by Luke Fowler, Rachel Maclean, Duncan Marquiss, Kimberley O’Neill, Alex Hetherington & Michelle Hannah, Seán Martin, Beagles & Ramsay, Holly McLean, Louise Milne, Sandra Johnston & Richard Ashrowan. Postponed until June 2020 (online)
16 January 2020. I will be undertaking a Creative Lab residency 2020/2021 at CCA, Glasgow to develop a new work on 16mm. Thanks to CCA and Alex Misick.
31 October 2019. I have been awarded a Forth Valley and West Lothian VACMA to explore elements of 16mm film contact and optical printing. Thank you to Gillian Smith and Falkirk Community Trust.
29 October 2019. I will be writing a review/reflection on Cample Line’s autumn programme centering my text on Rosalind Nashashibi’s new two-part film Part One: where there is a joyous mood, there a comrade will appear to share a glass of wine, 2018, and Part Two: The moon nearly at full. The team horse goes astray, 2019. 16 November 2019. Read here.
11 October 2019. I am presenting a 16mm film screening in Edinburgh, November 2019. …on being still but moving at the same time (though not small dances), curated by Claricia Parinussa. Raman Mundair | Emma Ready | Libby Odai | Alex Hetherington | Helena Salgueiro | Courtney Stoddart and ShelltoeMel & Becci Wallace.
5 September 2019. I have a work Michelle Hannah’s Arm/Anonymous Writes a Spell for the Camera/Marisa’s High in this year’s StreetLevel, Glasgow Open. Opens 12 September 2019, details at this link.
9 August 2019. I will be presenting a short extract from work in progress from Talking Counting Blinking Noting; on 16mm film as a collaborative action, on Wednesday 18 September 2019, the performative screening and presentation will be called the Twin Eye. Cooper Gallery, DJCAD, Dundee, 18 September, 5-8pm. Details can be found here.
4 July 2019. I have participated in a mini-interview for Canadian filmmaker Nance Barić’s blog Get it on the Neg, on analogue film and photography; here I talk about the collage film ‘Bees and Black Water’ (2019).
28 June 2019. Scottish Contemporary Art Network publish Case Study for the GoMA/Affiliates exhibition and film programme Ripples on the Pond, 2015-2016. The exhibition was curated by Katie Bruce with a film programme developed by Modern Edinburgh Film School and events with Erika Balsom and Sarah Forrest with LUX Scotland, in addition the project was supported by The Glasgow Women’s Library. The artists in my programme are Allison Gibbs, Anne Colvin, Lauren Gault, Annabel Nicolson, Anne-Marie Copestake, Rosalind Nashashibi, Catherine Street, Karen Cunningham and Sarah Forrest. My essay A Poetic Measurement is dedicated to the memory of the artist Katy Dove. The Case Study can be read here:
23 April 2019. I have been awarded an Open Project grant from Creative Scotland to develop the film essay ‘Talking, counting, blinking, noting’, 16mm film as a collaborative action, reflecting on my film work, titled camera tests, and documented materials produced and shot in 2018 to organize a series of episodic collaborations with other artists working with the moving image.
19 February 2019. The sculpture ‘“Charles Baudelaire Peint”, 1972/”Dites Partout Que Je L’Ai Dit”, 1974/Pink No/Sissy Spacek in Trash/Studflix/Steve Jobs Suicide’, from my show ‘Levez Vos Skinny Fists Comme Antennas to Heaven’, Embassy, Edinburgh, 2010, is to be included in the Sculpture Placement Scheme.
5 December 2018. “Films and speaks” a performative presentation, talk or lecture, Futures Festival, Thursday the 31st January 2019, 3.30pm in the Fine Art studio, Institute of the Arts, University of Cumbria, Carlisle
17 Sept 2018, new project with Glasgow-based artist Jane Topping coming soon, a publication work, the final No.35 undertaking.
17 Sept 2018, The New York Times publication from artists’ residency at Callander House, the Neon John series, the interview sheets from Ripples on the Pond, GoMA and editions from Modern Edinburgh Film School, 2012-2017 now held at Los Angeles Contemporary Archive.